Linux Commands Cheat Sheet

In this page, you will find Basic Linux Commands. As you all knows, Linux is widely using in many areas now a days. Generally System Administrators and Linux end users will use this commands a lot in their day to day activities.


System Information Commands

uname -a shows Linux system info
uname -r shows kernel release info
cat /etc/redhat-release shows installed Redhat version
uptime displays system running/life time
hostname shows system host name
hostname -i shows ip addresses of the host
last reboot displays system reboot history
date displays current date and time
cal displays monthly calendar
mount shows mounted filesy­stems

File Commands

ls -l shows file type and access permission
ls -a lists also hidden files
ls -al lists files and directories detailly
pwd shows present directory
mkdir directory creates a directory
rm testfile deletes file testfile
rm -r /testfolder deletes directory /testfolder and its contents recursively
rm -f testfile forcefully deletes testfile file without confirmation
rm -rf /testfolder forcefully deletes directory /testfolder recursively
cp testfile1 testfile2 copies testfile1 file to testfile2 file
cp -r /folder1 /folder2 copies /folder1 directıry to /folder2 directory
mv testfile1 testfile2 renames or moves file testfile1 to file testfile2
touch testfile creates an empty file named testfile
cat testfile used to view file testfile
less testfile browse through a text file testfile
head testfile displays first 10 lines of file testfile
tail testfile displays last 10 lines of file testfile
tail -f testfile displays last 10 lines of file testfile and follow it as it grows
tail -F testfile outputs last lines of testfile as it changes
file testfile gets type of testfile
gpg -c testfile encrypts file testfile
gpg testfile decrypts file testfile
gpg testfile decrypts file testfile
gpg testfile decrypts file testfile
dir shows files in the current directory
put testfile uploads file testfile from local to remote device by using ftp, before to this command need to need ftp session
get file downloads file testfile from remote to local device

ls Options

-a shows all (including hidden)
-R recursive list
-r reverse order
-t sort by last modified
-S sort by file size
-l long listing format
-1 one file per line
-m comma-­separated output
-q quoted output

Networking Commands

arp displays ARP table of the device
arpwatch displays Ethernet activity and Ethernet/IP pairings
bmon displays bandwidth, captures
curl used for for file transfer
dhclient used to analyze clients IP address, subnet mask, gateway, dns server
dig used for simple DNS lookup
dstat collects and shows system resources
ethtool used to check settings of your NIC
ftp used for for file transfer
host used for IP-Name matching
hping3 used for packet analyze
ifstat used to monitor network interface statistics
ip addr used to check network interfaces and routing activities
iptables used for ip packet filtering
iftop displays current bandwidth usage
ifup/ifdown used to enable or disable interfaces
iwconfig used to configure wireless interfaces
netstat to check network connections
nload used as bandwidth monitoring tool
nmap used for security audits
nslookup used also for DNS query
ping used to check server to server connectivity in network
route displays IP Routing Table
scp secured file transfer
sftp secured file transfer
ss gives detailed information about the sockets
ssh used for secure connection
tshark analyzing and capturing
tcpdump used for analyzing and capturing
telnet used for classical unsecured connection
ifconfig list IP details
tracepath used for path tracking
traceroute used for path tracking
w used to check the current system activity
wget used to download the content of the web servers
whois checks the whois database and return with IP and Domain info

Help Commands

command -h / command –help to review all available options of the “command”
info command to find info documents about the “command”
whatis command displays a single line description about the”command”
$ man UNIXCOMMAND to view detailed man page of the “command”
apropos used to search man pages for available commands on a specific functionality.

File Permissions

chown user changes ownership of a file/directory
chown user:group filename changes user and group for a file or directory
File Permissions r (read) permission, 4
w (write) permission, 2
x (execute) permission, 1
-= no permission
File Owner owner/group/everyone
File Permissions Examples 777 | Owner, Group, Everyone has rwx permissions

744 | Owner has rwx permission, Group, Everyone has r permission

755 | Owner has rwx permission, Group, Everyone has rx permissions

776 | Owner, Group has rwx permission, Everyone has rw permissions

Process Management Commands

ps displays currently running processes
ps PID gives the status of a particular process
pidof gives the process ID of a process
ps -ef displays all running processes on the system
ps -ef | grep sshd displays process information for sshd
top displays and manages the top processes
htop interactive process viewer (top alternative)
kill pid kills process with process ID of pid
pkill sshd kills process with name sshd
killall sshd kills all processes named sshd
program & starts program in the background
bg lists and resumes stopped jobs in the background
fg brings the most recent background job to foreground.
fg x brings job x to the foreground
nice starts a process with a given priority
renice changes priority of an already running process
pstree displays processes in a tree-like diagram
pmap displays a memory usage map of processes
lsof lists files opened by running processes

User Information Commands

id shows user&group ids of the current user
last shows the last users logged on
whoami shows who you are logged in as
who shows who is logged into the system
w shows who is logged in and what they do
groupadd test creates group “test”
useradd -c “myid” -m test creates “test” account with comment “myid”
userdel test deletes account “test”
usermod -aG sysadmin test adds account “test” to the “sysadmin” group

Search Commands

grep x file searches for x in file
grep -i case insensitive search
grep -r recursive search
grep -v inverted search
grep -o shows only matched part of the file
find /dir/ -name aaa* finds files starting with aaa in dir
find /dir/ -user test finds files owned by test in dir
find /dir/ -mmin 10 finds files modified less than 10 minutes ago in dir
find /home -size +500M finds files larger than 500MB in /home
find [/folder/location] -name [x] finds file names starting with character x
whereis aaa locates the binary, source, and manual page of aaa
locate ssh finds the location of ssh quickly

File Transfer Commands

scp file.txt server:/tmp secure copy file.txt to the /tmp folder on server
scp server:/var/www/*.html /tmp secure copy *.html files in /var/www/ directory on server to the local /tmp folder
scp -r server:/var/www /tmp secure copy all files and directories recursively from server to the current system’s /tmp folder.
rsync -a /home /backups/ synchronize /home to /backups/
rsync -avz /home server:/backups/ Synchronize files/directories between the local and remote system with compression enabled

Disk Usage Commands

df shows free hard disk space on the system
df -h shows free and used space on mounted filesystems
df -i shows free and used inodes on mounted filesystems
fdisk -l List the available physical disk and disk details
du -sh shows total disk usage off the current directory
du -ah shows disk usage for all files and directories in readable format
free shows free RAM on the system
free -h shows free and used memory
findmnt shows target mount point for all filesystem
mount /dev/disk1 /mountpoint mounts a device /dev/disk1 in /mountpoint folder

Compress and Decompress Commands

gzip testfile compresses testfile file using gzip.
bzip2 testfile compresses testfile file using bzip2.
zip testfile compresses testfile file into the archive
tar -czvf archive.tar.gz /home/temp2/ compresses a full directory with all sub-directories
gzip -d testfile.gz extracts testfile.gz with gzip utility
gunzip testfile.gz extracts testfile.gz with gunzip utility
bzip2 -d testfile.bz2 extracts testfile.gz with bzip2 utility
bunzip2 testfile.bz2 extracts testfile.gz with bunzip2 utility
unzip extracts with zip utility
gunzip -c output.txt.gz to view the contents of both files without extracting
tar cf archive.tar directory creates tar named archive.tar containing directory
tar xf archive.tar extracts the contents from archive.tar
tar czf archive.tar.gz directory creates a gzip compressed tar file name archive.tar.gz
tar xzf archive.tar.gz extracts a gzip compressed tar file
tar cjf archive.tar.bz2 directory creates a tar file with bzip2 compression
tar xjf archive.tar.bz2 extracts a bzip2 compressed tar file

Install Commands

yum search telnet Find packages with telnet in name or description
yum install telnet install telnet package
yum info telnet displays description and summary info about telnet package
rpm -i telnet.rpm installs package from local file named telnet.rpm
yum remove telnet Remove/uninstall telnet package
yum list installed lists all installed packages with yum
yum search [keyword] finds a package by a related keyword
yum info [package_name] shows package information and summary
yum install [package_name.rpm] installs a package using the YUM package manager
dnf install [package_name.rpm] installs a package using the DNF package manager
apt-get install [package_name] installs a package using the APT package manager
rpm -i  [package_name.rpm] installs an .rpm package from a local file
rpm -e [package_name.rpm] removes an .rpm package

Hardware Information Commands

dmesg displays messages in kernel ring buffer
cat /proc/cpuinfo displays CPU information
cat /proc/meminfo displays memory information
lspci -tv displays PCI devices
lsusb -tv displays USB devices
dmidecode displays DMI/SMBIOS from BIOS
hdparm -i /dev/sda displays info about disk sda
hdparm -tT /dev/sda performs a read speed test on disk sda
badblocks -s /dev/sda tests for unreadable blocks on disk sda